Members Only
until Dec. 2024.
2015 Vol 21
2014 Vol 20

The Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism is currently published annually. Volumes 2 through 11 are available at the back issue price. All prices include postage.
​To facilitate institutional orders, the journal has an ISSN: 1348-4095.

Payments within Japan should be made by Post Office money transfer (Furikae).
At any post office, ask for a furikae form, enter "Bilingual Japan" as the account name and "00990-8-89485" as the account number, and in the message area write the volume number of the Journal you wish to order. All prices include postage.

​Overseas Payments​
People overseas wishing to pay for our publications in U.S. dollars should use the dollar price, when given. When a dollar price is not given, convert the yen price to dollars at the current rate. We are unable to accept payments by check. For further information on ordering journals from overseas, please contact the Treasurer, Tim Pritchard, at bilsigtreasurer (at)

​Policy on individual articles:​
Volumes of the Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism that are no longer print (currently Vol. 1) can be downloaded free of charge from the SIG’s website. The Bilingualism SIG does not provide copies from volumes that are still in print.
How to obtain the journal
​Individuals in Japan:
Subscription: 1200 yen
Back issue: 1670 yen

Individuals Overseas:
​Subscription: 1600 yen or USD16
Back issue: 1800 yen or USD18
Institutions in Japan:
Subscription: 6500 yen
Back issue: 6000 yen

Institutions Overseas:
​Subscription: 6500 yen or USD65
Back issue: 6000 yen or USD60
Currently back issues are available in print form only for volumes 13, 15 and 16.