Bilingual Japan
Bilingual Japan is the JALT Bilingualism SIG's official newsletter.
The newsletter provides B-SIG members with news and information about bilingualism research and bilingual child-raising in Japan.

The newsletter depends on contributions from its readers. All SIG members and other interested parties are invited to submit articles or reports for inclusion in the newsletter. Start by writing about your family’s experience or something about bilingual parenting that concerns you. Even if you feel that what you have to may be trivial, there is always someone who will be interested. Everyone has a story to tell, and we look forward to hearing yours.
Regular Columns
•Consult the description at the top of each Regular Column
•Length: Up to 1,500 words
•Submit articles to the respective column editors.
Feature Articles
•These articles are longer and/or deal with topics not covered by the Regular Columns.
•Length: Up to 3,000 words
•Submit articles to the editor